As we draw closer to Christmas day, many thoughts pass through my mind. Some are warm memories from past holidays while others are reflections on some of the losses associated with recent years. It has occurred to me that there is a meaningful theme of “separation and reunion” that can be identified in the Christmas story.

This theme is reflected on a human level at Christmastime as fractured relationships are sometimes restored at this time of year or family members separated by miles on a map are able to reunite and enjoy fulfilling moments together. Separation and reunion!

As humans we are separated from God, our Heavenly Father, by the fact that we exist in different “dimensions” or “realms”—earthly and heavenly. As followers of Christ, our true citizenship is not in a nation but in heaven! At some point, the reunion of all of God’s sons and daughters with Him will be accomplished. Separation and reunion!

The reason this heavenly celebration will be able to take place someday can be found in the earthly mission of Jesus Christ! His joyful task “began” (from our mortal perspective) with the Christmas story and continued to the cross and resurrection.

The theme of separation and reunion is central to the Christmas message: Christ the King left heaven and the intimacy of a relationship with his Father to step into time and join the human race which he had created long before. He was born in the most humble circumstances to faithful and unassuming parents, lived a life of service and teaching for the benefit of others, and died on a cross for our sins in order to remove the separation and bring the possibility of reunion! At the resurrection, God raised Jesus from the dead, demonstrating His power over the worst that Satan could do, death itself.

If you want to read about these events and thoughts from the Bible, check out Philippians 2:5-11, Colossians 3:1-4, and II Corinthians 5:1-10. There is one well-known verse that captures this message in such a clear and compelling way—John 3:16. It provides the reason for Christmas and summarizes the meaning of separation and reunion so well:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
That whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life!

All of us here at Valley Christian High School pray that your Christmas will be meaningful and fulfilling. Praise the Lord for overcoming the separation of sin and providing the means of reunion when he came to earth at Christmastime!

Merry Christmas!

Paul Schanaker
Vice Principal