iValley is the initiative to put an iPad in the hands of every student at Valley Christian High School in order to enhance student engagement, generate dynamic peer collaboration, and deliver immediate feedback on student assignments.

Tonk iValley

Watch Greg Tonkinson, Bible Department Chair and iPad “Champion,” explain the iValley project.








Benefits of the program we’re looking forward to include:
• Instant feedback on assignments and exams
• Ability to perform up-to-date research in the classroom
• Opportunities for peer collaboration sharing common data with real-time editing
• One collection point for notes in every class with enhanced note-taking capabilities
• Strategic use of dozens of class-driven apps
• Daily preparation for future use of technology in the classroom
• iBooks and textbooks with the ability to annotate

It Begins iValley v121114iValley is the next phase of the technological revolution taking place on Valley Christian’s campus. The first phase involved the expansion and refresh of the two computer labs on campus, funded by generous donations at our 2014 Legacy Auction.

The first phase of the iValley project officially launches on January 5, 2015, as Bible Department chair Greg Tonkinson’s classroom is transformed into a “21st century classroom,” complete with student iPads, WiFi connectivity, the latest applications, virtual note-taking and storage, online quizzes and exams, an Apple TV, and more. This pilot program will run the length of the spring semester, after which time compiled data and student response will help to inform the subsequent phases of the iValley project. School-wide faculty training has already begun and will continue throughout this semester. A second pilot program begins in the fall of 2015, with additional roll-outs in the fall of 2016, 2017, and 2018.

For more information, check out the iValley page on the all-new VCHSAZ.org.