12243579_10105639776285011_901243630529896659_nValley Christian alumnus Matthew Jackson ’05 passed away late last month, but he has left behind a legacy of paying it forward. A final act of his kindness has gone viral and has been featured on the CBS Evening News, Good Morning America, the L.A. Times, Yahoo, Buzzfeed, People Magazine and on news stations and print media across the U.S. and the world.

We received this email from someone in Texas today and wanted to share it with you:

Dear Faculty and Staff of VCHS,
I just read this story and was moved to tears over the kindness of this young man. I did a little research and discovered he is a graduate of your school. I wanted to give you all major kudos for a job well done.

As an employee of a university, I know how many negative comments faculty and staff regularly receive. I wanted you to know what a shining example this young man has set. This situation is heartbreaking and wonderful at the same time and much of the good, I’m sure, came from his Christian education. I’m guessing his parents may deserve credit as well. My heart breaks for them, and for all of you who must be hurting right now.

God bless you all in your good work. May you find peace in knowing you helped this amazing young man have an eternal home with our Father.

Please keep Matt’s family in your prayers. As we challenged our student body today in Chapel, we encourage you to honor Matt’s legacy and leave a legacy of your own of hope and kindness and pay it forward. May we be Christ’s light in this world of darkness that is in desperate need of His light.

A Facebook group has been created to honor the Valley Christian alumnus’ legacy of always putting others first and encourage others to do the same. It already has over 28,000 members.

ABC 15 Story  |  NBC San Diego  |  CBS Evening News  |  LA Times  |  Today Show